domingo, 15 de junio de 2008

Noticias desde Dublin

Como ya dije en mis anteriores post, he vuelto a Irlanda. Tres semanas más para perfeccionar el idioma (esa es la excusa) y para degustar los placeres que ofrece este bello país.

Ya llevo aquí una semana. Estos dias han estado aquí conmigo mi hermana y Silvia y han sido unos dias bastante ajetreados, dedicados a ver cosas de la ciudad y a hacer alguna excursion bastante chula. No tengo ahora mismo las fotos, ya que olvide descargarlas de la camara de mi hermana, pero prometo que las pondre y contare un poco la excursion.

Ahora mismo estoy aqui solo en el hostel, preparandome para mudarme mañana al apartamento que sera mi hogar las dos semanas que me restan aqui, donde espero pasarmelo lo mejor posible...

Para el finde que viene estoy cociendo una excursioncilla a Belfast, a ver que sale...

Os mantendre informados lo que me sea posible...

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...


I just joined this sweet place. Lots of individuals have contributed so many good things here. I would also like to add up some thing for this community. I would like to share some [url=]quick weight loss tips[/url]. If you wish to know how to lose 10 lbs in a week, you are probably not seeing for a regular dieting and work out plan. You can lose weight with a common diet and exercise plan, However this involves a lot of time doing intensive cardio exercises and sticking with a strict diet. Here I will outline the right steps that I took to lose 10 pounds in just a workweek.

1. Stay away from all fried nutrients for the week
2. Drink an 8oz glass of Citrus paradisi with breakfast every day. (this speeds up up your metabolism)
3. Consume reasonable portions (stop taking when you are full)
4. If you are taking 3 huge a meals a day, eat up 5-6 small meals to keep your metabolism up and keep your body burning fat.
5. Aviod eating after 9 P.M.. Its good to eat before 9 P.M. so that our body gets proper time to burn calories before sleep.
6. Proper sleep is necessary everyday.. Not taking adequate sleep causes been proved to be a major factor to the body storing excess fat.
7. Utilise a body/colon clean for the 7 days. This will get rid of excessive fat stored close to the stomach area as well as cleanse your body of harmfull pollutants that cause you store fat and feel tired. Flush away excess pounds around the stomach area that otherwise would be hard to lose.
8. I suggest you using Acai Berry Diet Pills. This one is proven to work, and you can get a free trial.
9. For those mens/womens who want to burn fat quickly, avoid alcoholic drink.
10[url=].[/url] A low GI diet is an superior method of burning fat quickly.


Anónimo dijo...

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Anónimo dijo...

Hi everybody! I don't know where to start but hope this site will be useful for me.
I will be happy to get any help at the beginning.
Thanks and good luck everyone! ;)